Monday, October 17, 2016

..:: My Lovely Bff Pt. 2 ::..

One day you came close to me without haste

You gave me your everything
With the only reason that you love me, you

Bags of time we used to be always together

The love I’ve only been receiving every day
Now I want to give them back to you, now

Every moment which made me happy till now

I will sing a song
With those moments

I will sing for you,

My song for you
Do you know my heart wishing
For the heroine to be you
Thank you, love you
Till the last day of my life,
I will live as your man best friend
Thank you for staying beside me

All those times

Which made me smile till now
I will sing a song with those times

I will sing for you,

My song for you
Do you know my heart wishing
For the heroine to be you
Thank you, love you
Till the last day of my life,
I will live as your man best friend
Thank you for staying beside me

Someday when time goes by,

Even if we become old memories
I will sing for you,
Forever and ever for you
You the one who always look at me from far away
Now I will go close to you
Thank you for being together with me

Thank you for being together with me

-Thank you-

Assalamualaikum & hi
Another cheesy post, yes.
Weekend haritu Allah bagi nikmat lagi, alhamduLillah.
Tetiba budak KL tu turun Penang bagi surprise.
Bawa makanan banyak gila takut aku kebuluran.
Bagi duit raya di waktu bukan musim perayaan.
Aku siap tanya lagi

"Apahal bagi aku duit ni? Sejak bila hang kena bagi nafkah dekat aku?"
Sabaq ja hang layan soalan bengong aku.
"Ni bukan nafkah. Ni sedekah."
People around me said macam-macamla.

"Dah macam mak dengan anak pun ada."
I'm very grateful to have you as my best friend, my loyal blog reader.
Thank you mai ziarah aku and bawa kasih sayang,
makanan dan duit belanja.
Aku tak minta pun semua tu except for kasih sayang.

(Aku nak kasih sayang hang banyak-banyak)
Tapi hang dah bagi, aku tak tolak.
InsyaAllah nanti rezeki aku murah aku belanja hang balik.
Di saat ini aku hanya mampu berdoa and dedicatekan lagu ja dekat hang.


Thank you very much.
For always be the best friend for me.
Thanks for always believe in me,
 been there for me come hell or high water.
Even hang takda di sini, tapi actually aku rasa macam hang selalu 'ada'.
Thanks for your dua' and remembrance for me.
I'm very grateful that,
our hectic life and full schedules tak jadi sebab untuk kita break off.
Haha. Cheesy, I know.
Hang yang switch on the cheesy button, so hadapla.

Gambaq ni ja aku nak share kat sini.
Gambaq kita berdua yang aku pakai tudung makcik2, 
tak pakai bedak, baju tshirt balik lab tu aku letak kat insta ja.

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