Tuesday, October 23, 2018

..::Happy 27th Birthday::..

Assalamualaikum & hye

AlhamduLillah officially 27 y/o
I've finally woke up at my parents house on my birthday after long time 
And spending my night in my birth's place 

Take care everyone 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Assalamualaikum & hye

So today I'm gonna write about my best friend. I have few best friends. But this one is kinda weird. Ahaha

The main reason why I create the blog is to tell her anything that I want to tell her. It's like a fancafe. 

She's a normal lady but I don't know why I behave abnormally when I with her. 

We are like Artic and Antarctic. North and south pole. 

She likes drama over song. I am vice versa. 

She prefers to be alone. I hate being lonely without her. 

She is lady-like. I am alien-like. 

Sometimes she can be so serious. Most of the time I'm playful. 

She's so 1st born type. I'm always youngest type (as if) 

Others may think that I am the one who fond her more than she fonds me. 

But actually the world never knew how she patiently endure everything by being with me. 

Only Allah knows how much she loves me. 

May Allah showers her family and herself blessings always. 


We may not connected by blood, but we do connected by heart. 

May Allah bless