Tuesday, June 26, 2018

..::Auditory hallucination::..

There are so many hidden things inside of me
It made me change so much
It put me to sleep, it tied my hands and feet
It trapped me in a dark room
The pieces of lost time
The memories of love that I threw away
They have been deleted and thrown away
Only the outer shells remain
Without knowing anything, I just shouted
I just have that memory
My heart that was cold as ice
It will be forgotten after I sleep
I want to escape from this pain that chains me down
Someone wake me up
From my soul that is filled with scars

The deeply colored night sky
Is filled with you, who won’t leave
It wakes me from my sleep
Kissing me again

Your voice that whispered I love you
Your scent, I hear it in my ears every day
Where are you?

You’re hidden in a place where I can’t see you
The pain you received for me
When my anger becomes one
I’ll chase the lost memories from the deep sleep
I want to find the real me that is not you
But the bruises in my heart are too big
I try hiding it but they hide in my heart and wake me up
I met you on the other side of my horrible memories
You embraced even my lost feelings
Helping me get up from being broken
I’m trying not to let go of your hands
I’m trying to erase the nightmares
I’m trying so hard
In this place where I trapped myself

I want to roll up the darkness
And find you
Though I can’t touch you
Or be held by you

What controls me
Isn’t what lives in me
What can heal me isn’t strong medicine
It’s just love
The voice I hear in my ears
Wakes me up from being lost
After it wraps around me and kisses me
It disappears and I can’t see it anymore

The deeply colored night sky
Is filled with you, who won’t leave
It wakes me from my sleep
Kissing me again

Your voice that whispered I love you
Your scent, I hear it in my ears every day
Where are you?

In the night sky that I can’t touch
I see you turning back
Making me escape from the exhausted days
Making it into a picture

I’m sorry, I say as I hold onto you
Don’t go far away, I call out to you
In the sadness that I can’t ever see again
Tears fall again

Sunday, June 24, 2018

..::Being rejected::..

Assalamualaikum & hye

So tadi aku terbaca fb post ni
And aku suka komen ni

Untuk menjaga kesihatan mental, ok melampau
atas sebab nak release stress, 
aku tengok balik kdrama yang dah lama semalam

Aku tengah save data internet actually
Aku dah tak boleh spend data lavishly macam dulu
Stream lagu BTS INFINITE suka hati ja

So nak ceritanya, tipikal drama korea, akan ada 2nd male lead
yang bapak perfect tapi 1st female lead (heroin) 
tetap nampak hero jugak yang perfect

Tapi apa yang aku suka, 2nd male lead tu, walau hati terseksa
cool ja dia cakap dekat heroin
"the best choice is your choice"

Heroin tak confuse, aku yang confuse 
nak ship dia dengan hero mana satu
Anyway, sebab tula aku setuju ja dengan komen kat atas tu

Back to the post, so that girl choose to stan kpop group
sebab kena reject
Aku sebagai pendengaq kpop since 10 years ago nak habaq
Buleh la nak distract sat
Tapi kalau tak bagi peluang dekat hati untuk nak heal the pain
untuk nak move on,
tak guna jugak sis

Hang akan lagi psycho kalau hang dengaq lagu break up
or lagu one sided love
Hang dok merana sorang-sorang crush hang bahagia ja hidup
Baiklah bagi peluang dekat diri untuk move on 

Aku paham, ujian orang ni macam-macam
Ikut level masing-masing
Mungkin bagi certain orang dia dah hadap benda ni zaman sekolah
So dah tak layan la ujian macam ni
Tengah layan kencing berak anak yang dah nak masuk 3 orang
Tapi aku suka selami hidup orang-orang yang macam ni
Sebab depa dah matured in various part yang aku tak matured lagi

After all, life is a test
Being rejected is a test

Dah 6 bulan resume aku kena reject
Lebih dari 20 kali confirm

Tapi sebab aku pernah tunggu (sorang-sorang, syok sendiri) 
1st ex crush aku 4 tahun and 2nd ex crush aku 3 tahun,
setakat 6 bulan tu apalah sangat kan



Aku bersyukur Allah bagi aku kekuatan dan kesedaran untuk still
bersyukur and keep on moving forward
Walau aku ni jenih senang patah semangat
Aku pernah tulis kan aku stan JM sebab dia jenih cepat down
tapi cepat heal balik and continue the battle?
Kpop tetiba

To every single living soul (muslimin and muslimat) who was being rejected,
may Allah heal the pain away and grant you a better destiny

Thursday, June 14, 2018

..::Thank you Allah for sending me Nur in this Ramadhan::..

Assalamualaikum & hye

As I said before, Allah hadirkan Nur untuk selamatkan aku dari cengkaman BTS’s new album yang hadir time bulan puasa (psst.. Blackpink comeback Hari Raya kot. Ujian ujian). Well the new album is a dark side of Love Yourself version anddd dia sangat lah relatable dengan aku. Aku dah karang panjang berjela before ni kan pasal those theories bagai and it seems.. right. Terror ahh ARMYs.

Masa dok tuleh aim Ramadhan dekat planner yang ang (ya ang la Aishah) bagi tu, aku terjeda seketika. Aku rasa aku nak something else lagi but I can’t figure out yet, at that moment. So few days of Ramadhan passed by, aku terbaca ig post Ustaz Hasrizal pasal Nur. I was like.. Oookay.. Drama Islamik dekat TV3. Hmm, why not give a try then decide la nak tengok lagi ka dak.

Aku pun tengok dengan zero expectation and a little bit underestimation. Jangan salahkan aku. Mak aku kaki drama Melayu. Kalau aku tak tengok pun sekali dengaq actors actress deliver the script pun I was like whattt… But yeah Nur is another level. The script was remarkable, indeed. The plot is not the-cliché-Malay-drama-plot. Aku seriously adore watak Nur tu. Like seriously! Nur memang watak yang solehah dan mensolehahkan. Aku tertarbiyah dengan bait tutur kata seorang Nur. 

Watak tambahan pun best. Pak cik Mukhsin the best. He’s the real hero for me. Mirul pun baguih sangat. Just adala dia bertindak di luar rasional sikit. Ustaz Yassin is the unsung hero, really. Malaih nak sembang pasal Adam panjang-panjang tapi bagi aku dia adalah watak hero yang lack of persistence, perseverance and passion. Tapi aku boleh terima la scriptwriter wujudkan watak hero lagutu sesuai dengan plot drama dan watak-watak yang ada.

So back to my unfigured out aim, alhamduLillah I finally got my new aim in the middle of Ramadhan and insyaAllah I’ve accomplished it. Walau belum 100% but I’m pretty sure it’s approaching 80%? Gred A dah tu kan. AlhamduLillah. And that specific aim is to be contented.

I have to accept who I am. My flaws, my bruises, all those ups and downs, those family’s drama and everything in between. Because only by acknowledging all those things then a slave can accept the fated fate. And accepting the fated fate is the way to be contented, insyaAllah. Allah has granted me with so much privilege to be a pious and good slave. “So which of the favour of your Lord (Allah) would you deny?”

Seriously I seriously encourage semua rakyat jelata sekalian untuk menonton drama Nur walau dah tamat. Haha.

Salam 29 Ramadhan 1439H

Taqobalallahhu minna waminkum

May Allah bless