Saturday, July 9, 2016

..:: 3rd Syawal Rant ::..

Aku boikot barangan yang menjana ekonomi Zionis
Most of the time la
Tapi for this moment I need that one
I think..

All those spot questions came out yesterday
And I answered them all..terribly
 I ended up feeling pathetic
Plus perfectly useless

It's not that I am jealous of a working person, with a stable job,
who possessed new car, and will get married soon at the age of 25
But I rather feel like I am useless for being a student at the age of 25

Yeah I know success is not define by those worldly thingy;
good and stable job
nice car
nice house
nice spouse 
(with good and stable job)

But can't you guys just try not to make people feel useless?
We define success differently so please..
Don't push other people,
or pushing me to be exact
to define success the way you guys think

"Ok Mimie stop whining. Hang potpet dekat sini pun bukan berubah pun perangai orang."

"But still aku nak remind diri aku. Don't be like them. Kita hidup sebagai hamba Allah. Bukan hamba duit, hamba kesenangan dunia, hamba pangkat, Nauzubillahhiminzalik."

To Mimie who will debut when Allah says kun fayakun,
do nailed this in your flesh and your bones

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