All is well.
Cause Allah always there.
Allah is the only one who never leave.
She said;
Life is full of colours and wonders.
If you see it otherwise,maybe it's time to change your lense.
See it with God's love.
To untie a knot, go back to the basics.
Take a deep breath.Smile.
Determine the strands.
Starts with the easiest and take it from there.
The most important step is to SMILE.
It'll keep your spirit high.
In no time, you'll get the knot untied.
You’re not defined of what you were and what you are.
You are not defined by of where you were or where you are.
You’re defined on how you act on it, wherever you are.
You are not a failure until you say so,
and until you believe so.
You are what you believe.
Believe in good things.
You'll live up to it.
Talking is nothing
Doing is something get the
action going.
Happiness is when you feel
but not necessarily when you're greater than other.
Life is made of puzzle pieces
It takes time and patience
before the pieces fall into the place
and show the big picture
only then, everything make sense.
has no meaning without
When the things get though,
ask Allah for the inner strength
to keep things going.
if you have Him with you,
everything will come through
Do men fancy that they will be left just upon their declaring, “We believe”, and they will not be tested? [Al Ankabut:2]
And We will surely test you with some fear and hunger, and with paucity of wealth and lives and crops; and give glad tidings to those who patiently endure. [Al Baqarah:155]'ll keep on going~
very much thanks sis Hlovate.
Life is a test.
Gratitude when given.
Patience when denied.